little pieces of me going home

13 rue Thérèse is finally out in France!  Hooray!


 Is that cover sexy, or what?  I think I like the purple even better than the red they had on the spec cover.  I have yet to see it in person, and I am totally dying to do so.  Hurry up and send me my copies, Michel Lafon!

In other news, I am officially a crazy orchid lady.  What can I say?  They are awesome, for a whole list of reasons:

(1) They are cheaper than a bouquet of cut flowers, plus I don’t have to kill anything to brighten my home.

(2) They are pretty and colorful and, let’s face it, pretty lewd-looking–especially when the bud is first splitting open.  Any flower that freaked out Victorians is a friend of mine.

(3) They are low-maintenance lifeforms that somehow manage not to succumb to my black thumb.

(4) The cats thankfully do not seem to be interested in eating them, probably because the orchid is one of the few houseplants that will not poison them!  (Huh.  I wonder how much of an overlap there is between crazy cat ladies and crazy orchid ladies…)

Here is a little gallery of the new friends I have acquired since I last posted on this blog:

6 responses to “little pieces of me going home

  1. Great cover. Every time I see your book, I think, “I was there!” You’d think it’d get old after a while…but, nope, still fun to think that!

  2. Great cover! And your cats ignore orchids? Hmmm. May need to try them on my pride.

  3. Congratulations on the release in France of 13, Rue Therese. I’m sure the French will be wildly enthusiastic.

    The orchids are lovely. Do they continuously bloom? I have a very hard time with plants. I was thinking of African Violets and perhaps orchids. Would be a lovely combination.

    • Thank you!

      Orchids bloom once or twice a year. How long depends on the plant. The big magenta one has been in continuous flower for over three months, but we hardly had the bitty white one for a month before half its flowers fell off. Orchids are pretty buff, but African Violets are more delicate/high maintenance (and also, apparently, delicious, if you happen to have some cat-shaped individuals around the house).

  4. Aurelie Elisabeth

    Je viens de finir votre livre et je l’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé ! Comme vous, j’aime bien regardé les vieilles photos et m’imaginer une histoire…Parfois même, mon imagination donne vie à la photo et j’imagine ce que les personnes pensaient au moment où elle était prise.

    On pourrait regretter une fin qui est abrupte, pourtant cela ne m’a pas dérangé car vous laissez une part de rêverie…je songe à Louisette et me dit, qu’elle devait être heureuse avec Henri car c’était la “force tranquille” mais qu’elle a découvert la passion avec Xavier..j’irai même jusqu’à penser que leur liaison a durée jusqu’à la fin de leur vie.

    Tout cela pour vous dire, que j’espère découvrir prochainement un autre roman en France et que je vous souhaite bonne continuation.

    Aurélie Elisabeth

    • Merci beaucoup pour votre gentille note! Je viens de vendre un second roman à la même maison d’édition américaine que le premier, j’espère qu’il sera aussi publié en France!

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